Customer Testimonials

"Despite some wet and unfriendly weather the retaining wall job was very well done and finished on time. The site to work on was not the easiest but they have managed that problem very well. I would use them again for another building job and can only recommend their services to other customers."


"Thanks to Drew and the team at Linwood Contracting for identifying and solving the flooding and drainage issue we have been having at our house for the past 3 years. We have had two other contractors attempt the job then let us down with failed attempts. The Linwood team turned up on time, and even finished the job a few days ahead of schedule. We had weeks of torrential rain this winter and the basement garage stayed dry, for the first time ever! Thanks for giving us half our house back!"


"We have had a lot of work done on our rural property over the years by various contractors, and my wife and I were really impressed with Drew and team from Linwood Contracting. They took the time to listen to what we wanted and discuss our options with us. They turned up on time and got the job done within their quoted time frame and cost. They were respectful of our property (and my wife's established gardens!), knew what they were doing and had some very impressive gear. They were also great to deal with, we would highly recommend them."